Browse Items
- 1971
- 1974
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1983 project city
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- 1988
- 1989
- 198x records
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2 Reasons Why
- 2002
- 2004
- 2007
- 2009
- 2011
- 2012
- 2014
- 2018
- 24 Reasons Why
- 3D Monster
- 4th and Pine
- 7 Shot Screamers
- 7"
- A Perfect Fit
- A. Michel Collins
- A.K.A.
- A.K.A. Records
- Aaron Goodrich
- Aaron Lanterman
- Aaron Smith
- Adam Schmitt
- After Hours
- Al Fischer
- Alestle
- Alice Spencer
- Alternative Press
- Alton
- Ambassador Theater
- Amy Wilson
- Andy Colligan
- Andy Dykeman
- Andy Hawkins
- Andy Thompson
- Animal House
- Anit-Mation
- Ann Hirschfeld
- Anti-Mation
- Anti-MationMopeds
- ars actus
- Art Twit
- Atomic Fossils
- Augustine's
- Aunt Esther
- Autumn Clock
- Aviation Club
- B and L Records
- B-Lovers
- b.lovers
- Back of Dave
- Badbeets
- Barking Aardvarks
- BDR Records
- Be-Vision
- Behemouth Records
- Belleville
- Bellyfeel
- Ben Herzon
- Benet Schaeffer
- Bent
- Bernards Pub
- Berni Proeschi
- Big Orange Trouble
- Bike Maker
- Bill Buzan
- Bill Christy
- Bill Drennen
- Bill Nelson
- Billie Goat Hill
- Billy Goat Hill
- Billy Greene
- Billy Hicks
- Billy Sunn
- Bionica
- Black Flag
- Black for a second
- Blake Fleming
- Blammo
- Blank Space
- Blind Idiot God
- blue blade records
- Blueberry Hill Records
- Bob Boyles
- Bob Fancher
- Bob Kaemmerlen
- Bob Kuhlmann
- Bob Parr
- Bob Reuter
- Bob Reuter - Bass\Vocals Mike Downey
- Bob Trammel
- Bob Woodliff
- Bob Zuellig
- Bobby Jones
- Bootsy
- Brad Fink
- Brad Gaskill
- Brad Martin
- Brandon Hoffman
- brian henneman
- Brian Henneman
- Brian Hunt
- Brian Knobloch
- Brian Krumm
- Brian Marye
- Brian McKelvey
- Brilliant Studios
- Brothers Wrong and Wrong Again Records
- Brown and Langhrer
- Brown and Langrehr
- Bryan Marye
- Bunnygrunt
- Burnt Nervends
- Business Card
- Business Cards
- Butt Cheese
- Butt Cheese Ministries
- button
- Cabaret Metro
- Caffeine
- Calendars
- cardiac arrest
- Carl Pandolfi
- Carl Weingarten
- Carlos Huddleston
- carriage bowl
- Carrie Lindsey
- Cartoon Land Studios
- Casa Loma Ballroom
- cassette
- Cathy Renner
- Ceder Sound Studios
- Celery
- Change Club
- Change Music Variety Show
- Charles Lindo
- Charlie Langerhr
- Charlie Langhrer
- Charlie Langrehr
- Cheap Propaganda
- chicken truck
- Chris Bess
- Chris Doucleff
- Chris Gunderson
- Chris King
- Chris Klenke
- Chris Krieger
- Chris Miller
- Chris Powers Jr.
- Chris Sauer
- Chris Woods
- Christian Powell
- Christopher Curtis
- Chuck DeClue
- Chuck Wolters
- Chucklehead Records
- cicada
- Cicero's
- Clayton Studios
- Clear the Mechanism
- Clones
- Club Change
- Club Op-P
- Club Zero
- Colin Sphincter
- Collaborateur
- Collin Diemer
- Collinsville
- Concert Calendar
- Concert News
- Contract
- Cookie Monsters
- Cool Jerk
- Corporate Humor
- Craig Straubinger
- Crime Life Records
- Critical Mass
- Cult Heroes
- Culture Shock
- Curt Conway
- Curt Shaw
- Curtis Hendricks
- D. Finocchio
- dan campbell
- Dan Melton
- Dan O'Saben
- Dana Ong
- Daniel Kathriner
- Danny Kathriner
- Danny Shoemaker
- Darin Gray
- Darling Little Jackhammer
- Dashboard Idols
- Dave "the Rave" Thomas
- Dave Diesel
- Dave Goodman
- Dave Melson
- Dave Moorman
- Dave Reeves
- Dave Simon
- Dave Stone
- Dave Thomas
- Dave Wellhausen
- Dave Winkler
- David Alter
- David Carr
- David G. Moore
- David Lee and the Houserockers
- David Loutzenhiser
- David Plank
- David Probst Peter Carson
- David Thomas
- David Udell
- Dazzling Killmen
- Dazzling Killment
- dB's
- Dead Celebrities
- Dead Planet
- Dear John
- Deathrow Bodean
- Ded bugs
- Dede Schofield
- Deep Elm Records
- Delay Tactics
- Delay Tactics 3
- Dementia 13
- Demo
- Dennis Shea
- Diamond Stud
- Die Wasted
- Dinosaurs
- Dirt Loaded
- Dirty Thirty Hit Record Survey
- Doctor Durrwachter & the M.D.s
- Dog Shew Studios
- Dominic Finocchio
- Dominic Schaeffer
- Don "Frankie" Tomazi
- donna knott
- doug mesko
- Doug Rafferty
- Doug Raffety
- Douglas Rayburn
- Dr. Durrwachter and the M.D.S.
- Drunks with Guns
- Duane Perry
- Duck Duck Goose
- Duwan Dunn
- E.J. Quit
- Earl Brothers
- Earl. Bros.
- Earwacks
- Edwardsville
- Electric Sheep
- Elizabeth White
- Ellen Foley
- Elvis Brothers
- Enormous Richard
- Eric Albert
- Eric Eyeball
- Eric Eyster
- Eric Gavillet
- Eric Harnetiaux
- eric johnson
- Eric Lindstrom
- Eric Nelson
- Eric Seaver
- Erik Voeks
- Erin Collins
- Erin Gulley
- Ethel the Frog
- Euclid Records
- Fanzine
- Fartholes
- Faye Records
- Fear Factory
- Felons
- Finn Brothers
- Finns
- five deadly venoms
- Five of These
- Flea Bodine
- flyer
- flyers
- Foolish Virgins
- Fools Face
- Fraagile Porcelain Mice
- Fragile Porcelain Mice
- Fran
- Frank Russell
- Fred Broadhacker
- Fred Freeman
- Fred Friction
- Fritz Beer
- Fritz Noble
- Fruitcake
- Full Contact Records
- Full Fledge Ledge
- Full On Venus
- Gabriel Katz
- Gary Austin
- Gary Busch
- gary Phillips
- Gavin Grace
- Geargrinders
- Geishamen
- Gene Carroll
- George Azzani
- George Casey
- George Schneller
- Get Smart
- Gia Ciambotti
- God Speaks Through Me
- Grand Central Post
- Granite City
- Grass Records
- Gravity Kills
- Greg Berg
- Greg Black
- greg frog
- Greg Kessler
- greg pottgen
- Grinder
- Grinder Disc Company
- Group 6
- gus
- Gus Herzon
- Gus Kodros
- Hank Ver Plank
- Happy Chemicals
- Harold Head
- Harvey's Place
- Haymarket
- he Felons
- Head in a Milk Bottle
- Hearafter
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Heebie Jeebies
- Heels
- Henry Travis
- Herb Sadler
- Hippie Crack Gastank
- Hippies in Flames
- Hogscraper
- Howard Hemingway
- Hullabaloo
- Husker Du
- I Hate Punk Rock Records
- Icon Studios
- Iggy Pop
- Illinois
- Illinois State University
- Imagitrax Studios
- Impi Cogs
- in medias res
- Inch Rist
- Inchrist
- Incog-Neatos
- Insect Fear
- Inside Joke
- Iron Suite
- It About
- J.C. Mayhem
- Jack Petracek
- Jambox
- Jamey Almond
- Jason Docter
- Jason House
- jason Potter
- Jason Simpson
- Jason Toon
- Jay Farrar
- Jean Giraud
- Jean-Michael Charlier
- Jeff Cummins
- Jeff Evans
- Jeff Hess
- Jeff Kersting
- Jeff Munie
- Jeff Robtoy
- Jeff Ryals
- Jeff Smith
- Jeff Tweedy
- Jeff Wendler
- Jeff White
- Jeffy Tweedy
- Jennifer Tretter
- Jesse Kilsinger
- jet lag
- Jet Lag Magazine
- Jill Smith
- Jim Bone
- Jim Broyles
- Jim Currie
- Jim Findlay
- jim harper
- Jim Saltsider
- Jim Snodgrass
- Jim Utz
- Jimmy Vavak
- Joan Jett
- Joe Armin
- Joe Camel
- Joe Domingos
- Joe Esser
- Joe Finn
- Joe Moomey
- Joe Thebeau
- John Caspermeyer
- John Coker
- John Corcoran
- John Corocran
- John Feber
- john ferber
- John Katsafanas
- John Korst
- John Linton
- John Nolan
- Johnny Bitch
- Johnny Magnet
- Johnny Younger
- Jon Corcoran
- Jordan Harper
- Josh Boelter
- Joshua Levi
- Judge Nothing
- kangaroo records
- Karen Reid
- Karl Mueller
- Kathy Wentzel
- Keith Albert
- Keith Brawley
- keith grillion
- Keith Wright
- Kelley and the Kinetics
- Kelleys Stage Door
- Kelly Curry
- Kelly Haywood
- Kelly Potter
- Ken Dussold and Micki
- Ken Krueger
- kennedys
- Kenny Brown
- Kentucky Knife Fight
- Kevin Brueseke
- Kevin Clay
- Kevin O'Connor
- Kevin Wieble
- Kristeen young
- Kurt Hoffman
- L7
- Laffinstock
- Lance Robertson
- Langrehr
- Larry Morrisey
- Larry Wilke
- latex Monkey Band
- Layla Souers
- Lee Buckalaw
- Linda Belford
- Liquid
- Lisa Grotrain
- long pig
- Lori Blue
- Luis Zambrana
- Lunker Buzz
- Lydia's Trumpet
- Lynn Chartrau
- M. Buckheit
- M.I.A.
- Magazine
- Magic Wizard Tunes
- Mall Children
- Man Igno
- Mara Erwin
- Marc Horton
- Marc Sova
- Mark Buchheit
- Mark Church
- Mark Cook
- Mark Cousley
- Mark Deniszuk
- Mark Evans
- Mark Fischer
- Mark Heinz
- Mark Kanak
- Mark Maybry
- Mark Ortmann
- Mark Ping
- Mark Rood
- Mark Sheridan
- Mark Stephens
- Marlon Monroe
- Matt Blame
- Matt Cahill
- Matt Docter
- Matt Fevold
- Matt Fuller
- Matt Harnish
- Matt Lauber
- Matt Meyer
- Matt Smith
- Matt Wendler
- Matthew Shultz
- Maureen Relling
- Max Load
- Maximum Effort
- maximumrocknroll
- Mayhem
- Meat Sisters
- Meghan Gahil
- Melissa Beckman
- Metal Rage
- metro
- metro tabloid
- Michael Bowler
- Michael Eisenbeis
- Michael Praytor
- Michael Story
- Michele Chapel
- Mike Bazzell
- Mike Belfield
- Mike Bolware
- mike burgett
- Mike De Leon
- Mike Deleon
- Mike Doskocil
- Mike elfield
- Mike Heidorn
- Mike Hellebush
- Mike Leahy
- Mike Martin
- Mike Metroulas
- Mike Oret
- Mike Orlet
- Mike Pringle
- mike ritter
- Mike Story
- Mike Sturvland
- Mike Yaffe
- Minor Opinion
- MIssissippi Nights
- Mississippi RIver Music Festival
- Missouri
- Mitzi Mae Macdonald
- Mixed Company
- Moldy Dogs
- Monobrow Studios
- Mopeds
- Morells
- Mort Hill
- Motion Sickness
- Mr. Records
- MU330
- Music Masters
- Music Palace
- My life as a girl
- My Little Dog China
- My Little Island
- My Other Self
- nanos
- Nathan Warren
- National Town Meeting
- Nazi Seaman
- Nerve
- Nerve Gas
- Never Alone
- New Red Archives
- New Speedway Kings
- New Values
- New Values Record Store
- New Values Records
- News
- newspaper
- Nick Rudd
- Nick Sakes
- Niel Jaeger
- nig-hesit
- Nighthawk Records
- NIL8
- No Authority
- No Coast Records
- No Life Records
- Nobody Really Productions
- NoelDuckham
- noise
- noise magazine
- Noisey Paper
- Noisy Paper
- Non-Dairy Creamers
- Nov. 9th
- November 9th
- Nuclear Winter
- nukes
- Obeid Khan
- Oozkicks
- Other World
- Otto's Revenge
- Oui-Oui Twins
- Packy Reynolds
- Page 3
- Page Three
- Painkillers
- Painted Porch Records
- Paper the Madman
- Pasquinade
- Pat Burns
- Pat Hercules
- patick Conway
- Patrick Conway
- Patrick Saunders
- Paul Chickey
- Paul Davis
- Pave the Rocket
- Pedro Manaois
- Perry Emge
- Perry Rohr
- Peter Carson Studios
- Peter Lang
- PG
- PG's
- Phillip Harding
- Philosophic Collage
- Philosophic College
- Phiosophic College
- photograph
- pieceoshit records
- Pierron
- pin
- Plaid Cattle
- PO
- Poe's Music
- Pointe Essential
- Post Dispatch
- poster
- prisonshake
- promotional
- Proud Young Men
- Pulling Teeth Studios
- radio
- Rain Parade
- Rampage
- Randy Erickson
- Ray Kirsch
- Ray Milland
- Rayburn Studios
- Raymilland
- RBS Studio
- Record Review
- Record Store
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Red Squares
- Refections
- Reggie Butler
- René Spencer Saller
- Renee Dullum
- Renegade Studios
- Retros
- Reverb
- reverb magazine
- Rich Hamilton
- Rich Lang
- Rich Skubish
- Rich Wood Productions
- Rick Harmon
- Rick Hecke
- Rick Ulrich
- Rick Ulrick
- Rick Wilson
- Rick Wood
- ring
- Ring Cicada
- Riot Act
- river front times
- Riverfront Times
- Rob Meihofer
- Rob Syers
- Rob Wagoner
- Rob Woodruff
- Robert Kuhlmann
- Robert Powers
- Robin Bettonville Hileman
- Rocco Records
- Rock It
- Rockville Records
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Roger Caustic
- Ron Fernandez
- Rooster Lollipop
- Rough Edge
- Rough Edges
- Rough Edges Press
- Roy Kasten
- Rude Pets
- Rural Route Records
- Sabine Records
- Sad Lewis
- Sam Berger
- Sarkes Roubainian
- Saw Tooth Records
- Sawtooth Records
- scat records
- Schoolhouse Rock
- Science Patrol Records
- Scott Hueting
- Scott Plant
- Scott Randall
- Scott Roever
- Scott Tallent
- Scott Taylor
- Scrap Dog Records
- Scrapdog Records
- Screaming Mee Mees
- Sea of Heads
- Sean Haley
- Sean Younger
- Seating
- Seedy Singles Label
- Seven Shot Screamers
- Shae Hileman
- Sharon Kubatzky
- Shaved Women
- shirt
- shortcut
- Sidleif Production
- Silvertray
- Since Hector was a Pup
- singapores
- Sinister Dane
- Sirens
- Skin Graft Comics
- Skin Graft Records
- skingraft comics
- Skingraft Records
- Skitzos
- Slugg Records
- Sluggo Records
- Small Ball Paul
- Smith/Lee Studios
- Snake Ranch
- Son of Slam
- Sons of Black Mass
- sour note records
- South by Southwest
- Southern Illinois University
- Space Age Palmer
- Sparta
- Spectre
- Spongefleet
- Spotlight
- SST Records
- St. Louis Globe-Democrat
- St. Louis Metro
- St. Louis Post Dispatch
- St. Louis School House
- St. Louis Shieks
- Stacey House
- stages
- stale fish
- Stan Seitrich
- Stangulated Beatoffs
- Star Sound
- State of Shock
- State Street Sound
- Steel Pulse
- Stephanie King
- Steve Banes
- Steve Carosello
- Steve D. Goedde
- Steve Diesel
- Steve Higdon
- Steve Jones
- Steve Lennartz
- Steve Lord
- Steve Marquis
- Steve McCabe
- Steve McMamara
- Steve Nixon
- Steve Pick
- Steve Pick Experience
- Steve Scariano
- Steve Smith
- Steve Staicoff
- Steve Thomas
- Sticker
- Stillwater
- Stranded Lads
- Strangulated Beatoffs
- Strikers
- Studebakers
- Suave Octopus
- Suede Chain
- Sun Sawed in 1/2
- surface
- Surgery
- Susie Rutherford
- Swift Kick
- Swollen Record Company
- synchronistic logistics
- t shirt
- T-shirt
- T.O.G.
- T&T Studios
- Tammy Jones
- Tears
- Technological March of Death
- Ted Epstein
- terminal rage
- Terry Jones
- Test Patterns
- Test Patters
- The Strikers
- The Action
- The Barking Aardvarks
- The Bishops
- The Boorays
- The Cameros
- The Clones
- The Concert Scene
- The Conformists
- The Felons
- The Finns
- The Foolish Virgins
- The Groupers
- The Heebie Jeebies
- The Heels
- The Jimmy Shum Phungish Band
- The Lettuceheads
- The Love Experts
- The Mopeds
- The Music Palace
- The Neverminds
- The Nukes
- The Obvious
- The Oozkicks
- The Oui-oui Twins
- The Philosophic College
- The Philosphic College
- The Remaindrz
- The Retros
- The Rug
- The Shrewd
- The Singapores
- The Skinnies
- The Skitzos
- The Soundchecks
- The Strikers
- The Studebakers
- The Trip Daddys
- The Twist
- The Urge
- The Welders
- The Wifflers
- The ZAnti Misfits
- thick records
- Thomas Crone
- Those One Guys
- Three Foot Thick
- Three Merry Widows
- Ticket Stub
- Tim Albert
- Tim Bramstedt
- Tim Buchmiller
- tim goggins
- Tim Jamison
- Tim Lohmann
- Tim MIze
- Tim O'Saben
- Tom Carlson
- Tom Delgato
- Tom Fulton
- Tom Massey
- Tom Parr
- Tom Valli
- Tom Vize
- Tony Berkman
- Tony Margherita
- Tony Patti
- Tony Renner
- Tory Starbuck
- Tracy Wynkoop
- Tracy Wynkopp
- Trained Animal
- Trained Animals
- Tuff Nutz
- Ty Mccart
- U5 Zine
- Ulcer
- Ultrafink
- Ultraman
- Uncle Dudley James Willis
- Uncle Terrible
- Uncle Tupelo
- Undead
- Union Electric
- Very Metal
- Vinyl
- VOcl
- Vocl Magazine
- Voice of God
- Volatiles
- Walter Whitney
- Waterworks
- Wax Theatricks
- We Are Here
- Webster University Audio Studios
- Welders
- White House
- White Suburban Youtbh
- White Suburban Youth
- white suburband youth
- White Trash
- Who Fucking Cares?
- Whoppers Taste Good
- Wilco
- William Ingersoll
- wtg
- Yani Hernandez
- Zanti Misfits
- zero zone
- Zine
- Zines